Follow these tips to protect yourself and others from overdose.
It’s available at all pharmacies in Maryland.
Get NaloxoneThis can keep someone who has overdosed alive until naloxone starts to work or help arrives.
View InstructionsWhen using any drug, start small and see how you feel before taking the rest.
Use a test strip on any drug before you take it.
Get Test StripsTalk with family and friends about how they can help if you overdose.

Go Slow
If you take a drug, don’t slam it. Start with a small amount to test its strength. If something feels off, consider not using it, or use less than you’d planned.
Consider smoking or snorting, which carry less risk than injecting. You can still overdose from these methods—particularly if a drug contains fentanyl—so whatever you choose, be careful.
Take time between doses. Fentanyl acts fast. Wait to see how your body reacts to a drug before using any more of it.
If you use opioids of any kind, including heroin and pills, there’s a good chance they contain fentanyl. Fentanyl acts fast and has caused a spike in overdose deaths in Maryland. You can test drugs for fentanyl with easy-to-use strips before taking them.
Get Free Test Strips from a Syringe Services Program

If you witness an overdose, don’t be afraid to call 911. Under Maryland’s Good Samaritan Law, if you help someone who is overdosing:
Don’t Run,
Call 911
- You cannot be arrested or charged for possession of small amounts of drugs, paraphernalia or providing alcohol to minors.
- Your parole and probation status will not be affected.
- You have the right to take photos or videos of the scene.
- You always have the right to remain silent.
- You don’t have to agree to a search or to hand over your cell phone.